Maximise precious metals recovery at your plant with FLSmidth technology
Explore our product range
Equip your processes with our technology for improved metals recovery
We stand on the heritage of our product portfolio, including Dawson Metallurgical™, Knelson Technologies™, Krebs™, Summit Valley Equipment and Engineering™, Ludowici™, AuTec™ and many other industry-leading brands and companies. Upon this heritage, we continually improve our product lines to meet the needs of today’s mining industry, enhance sustainability and minimise environmental impact.
FLSmidth gold and silver recovery technologies include:
- Gravity Recovery Gold Systems
- Leach CIC/CIL/CIP Systems
- Carbon ADR Plants (Acid Wash, Elution, Carbon Handling/Regeneration)
- Zinc Precipitation (Merrill Crowe) Plants
- Gold and Silver Refineries
- Mercury Recovery and Abatement Systems
- Cyanide Destruction
- Reagent Preparation/Distribution
- On-Site Services (commissioning, training, parts, audits, upgrades, etc.)
- Laboratory Services
FLSmidth gold and silver recovery products include:
Gravity Concentration
- Batch and Continuous Concentrators
- Tabling
- Intensive Cyanidation
Adsorption/Desorption/Recovery (ADR)
- Electrowinning Cells
- Carbon Regeneration Kilns
- Heater Skids
- Wedgewire Carbon Retention CIL/CIP Screens
Zinc Precipitation (Merrill Crowe)
- Deaeration Towers
- Zinc Feeders/Mixing Cones
- Precipitate Filters
- Precipitate/Flux Mixers
- Furnace Feeders
Process Equipment
- Mercury Retorts
- Krebs vMAX Pumps - CIL/CIP slurry/carbon transfer
- Krebs hMAX Pumps - gentle and effective carbon transfer
- Ludowici Screens
We help solve problems through:
- Ore characterisation and process mineralogy testing
- Metallurgical processing, testing and selection
- Comminution testing
- Solid/liquid separation tests
- Filtration tests
- Gravity recoverable gold testwork and modelling
Developing capabilities in gold and silver recovery
At FLSmidth, we can claim that we have the most complete flowsheets of gold and silver extraction in the industry. The FLSmidth Minerals Research and Development group focuses its efforts on improving existing process and unit operations technologies, as well as developing ideas and proving concepts that will take your operation into new technological areas.
Through our close work with the Gold Technology Group at Curtin University via the AMIRA P420 Project, we are working to create numerous innovative solutions to issues often faced by miners, and to find ways to optimise processes and equipment.
We are having successes such as our global award-winning Top 100 R&D Rapid Oxidative Leach (ROL) processing technology.
Greater yield with energy efficient products
It is our responsibility to bring you equipment that is sustainable and has low environmental impact.
For gravity recoverable gold, our gravity separation equipment has the highest throughput technology on the market and is able to process at a higher solids ratio than our competitors.
For carbon ADR, our patented split-strip process will maximise your carbon throughput while minimizing energy input, equipment size and quantity, and layout footprint.
We promise greater yield with smaller impact.
Our customer service promise
With our Total Life Cycle support program, we aim to assist you through installation assistance, commissioning advice, troubleshooting, optimisation or general consulting services. No matter where you are located in the world, we will be here for you.