Key Benefits

  • Energy efficiency
  • Reduced emissions
  • Maximum steam production

Low maintenance, high durability Horizontal Incinerator

Your equipment demands energy in order to function properly. Unfortunately, that energy comes at a price; rising energy costs eat into your profits. At the same time, as you use more and more power, the negative environmental impact of your operations grows as well. This is particularly true in the calcination of raw materials.

Calcination is an energy intensive process, and often produces excessive waste heat and harmful emissions made up of CO and unburnt hydrocarbons. Our Horizontal Incinerator is changing all that.

Using an innovative process, our Horizontal Incinerator solutions trap excess heat before it can be lost as exhaust, and put that heat back to work. In this process, ambient air is injected around the circumference of the inlet portion of the horizontal circular tube and mixed with the rotary kiln exhaust gases. The oxygen in the air oxidizes carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons and the carbon in the solid particulate matter in the kiln exhaust gases, producing additional energy for use in a downstream Waste Heat Boiler. And, as an added bonus, it reduces CO and hydrocarbon emissions.

Our Horizontal Incinerator is usually coupled to a rotary kiln which produces calcined petroleum coke (CPC) from green petroleum coke (GPC). Additionally, it may be coupled to any pyro-processing system that produces exhaust gases high in CO, unburned hydrocarbons and/or combustible particulate matter.

And the Horizontal Incinerator is designed to protect more than just profits and the environment; it is fully sealed to prevent the escape of harmful dust and gases that could negatively affect your workforce.

Finally, our Horizontal Incinerators are built to last without the need for excessive maintenance; maintaining the free support free of dust is the only normal maintenance that is required. This means a longer service life in addition to improved efficiency. 

Durable, efficient Horizontal Incinerators for effective calcination 

Energy efficiency
The Horizontal Incinerator recovers heat from unburned CO, hydrocarbons and solid carbon present in the rotary kiln gases by oxidizing these components. This increases the heat content of the gas stream for use in the downstream waste heat steam recovery boiler.
Reduced emissions
By cycling gaseous emissions back into the incinerator, the machine reduces unwanted emissions of CO and unburnt hydrocarbons in the kiln exhaust gases.  
Maximum steam production
The Horizontal Incinerator’s unique design help ensure the best possible steam production from kiln exhaust gases. 

Horizontal Incinerator: Get the most for your energy costs

Our Horizontal Incinerator is built for durability, safety, and effectiveness, and includes the following features:


  • Heavy duty shell and supports for long service life.
  • Combustion air shroud surrounding injection nozzles for uniformly injecting ambient air around the circumference of the Incinerator to effect mixing with the kiln exhaust gases and subsequent oxidation of remaining gaseous and solid fuels.
  • Inlet and discharge dropout boxes for unburnt solids.
  • Air injection system along the bottom of the Incinerator to entrain and oxidize any combustible particulate matter that collects in the incinerator.
  • A two-component insulated refractory lining for protection of the shell and retainment of heat for increased production of steam.
  • Injected ambient air rate is controlled by the oxygen and residual CO content of the exhaust gases leaving the incinerator.
  • Air is continuously injected along the bottom of the Incinerator to re-entrain any particulate matter that drops out of the mixed gas stream.


Additionally, this Horizontal Incinerator is backed by extensive FLSmidth process design expertise. We’ll help you properly size your incinerator for optimum performance and allow it to interface properly with upstream and downstream systems.


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