Key Benefits

  • Up to 10x higher throughput
  • Enhanced grade and recovery
  • Smaller footprint in flotation circuit
  • Lower utility demands

Faster flotation. Higher recoveries. Better product quality.

The ability to operate at gas and wash water fluxes above what is traditionally possible with any other existing froth flotation equipment sets this technology apart.

The REFLUX Flotation Cell (RFC) operates at a magnitude far beyond the capacity of existing froth flotation devices, reducing the required installation footprint. Its novel arrangement enhances the hydrodynamics of flotation, with the ability to recover a wide size distribution of minerals at a rate of up to 7-10 times faster than traditional methods.


This frothless system allows for stable and froth flotation, enhanced gangue rejection, and quicker kinetics – pushing the boundaries on concentrate grade, recovery, and throughput well beyond the performance of conventional open tank systems. 

The RFC is a high capacity, efficient technology capable of implementation in various applications:

  • Rougher flotation
  • Cleaning flotation
  • Tailings re-treatment
  • Offloading overloaded flotation circuits 

How a single REFLUX™ Flotation Cell could replace up to 10 conventional flotation cells.


A single, full-scale REFLUX Flotation Cell is anticipated to provide an economical solution for industry to effectively replace ten flotation cells with a single unit, to rapidly recover valuable particles into a slurry concentrate. One additional unit should then be sufficient to fully clean the concentrate free of unwanted hydrophilic gangue particles.

K. Jiang, J.E. Dickinson, K.P. GalvinUniversity of Newcastle
How does RFC work (0:38)

Improved kinetics for fast, high-throughput flotation

The RFC combines several technologies to achieve superior flotation performance in maximising recovery, gas flux, bubble liquid segregation and product cleaning.


Recovery rates are maximised by novel contacting of floatable material in a high shear rate environment promoting elevated collision and attachment rates. The unique plenum chamberfurther promotes recovery by eliminating operation with a defined froth-pulp interface.


Bubble Surface Area Flux

Operational gas flux rates exceed what is typically achievable, increasing available bubble surface area flux by a factor of four times. Overall circuit air requirements are consequently reduced to less than 50% of traditional system demands while offering:


  • Improved attachment rates
  • Improved collision rates
  • Improved recovery


Enhanced Product Cleaning

Application of inverted fluidisation water for effective counter-current washing and gangue rejection producing high grade product at elevated recovery.


Bubble-Liquid Segregation

Prodigious separation of loaded bubbles from slurry containing non floatable material is achieved by implementation of inclined channels allowing operation under air flooded conditions resulting in operation at:

  • Increased gas flux
  • Reduced bubble size

Energy and water efficiency

Preliminary results from pilot-scale studies indicate that RFC technology can help mines use up to 60% less energy in their flotation circuits. Improved kinetic efficiency also reduces the amount of water used in the recovery process.

Focussed improvement of flotation fundamentals

The RFC demonstrates several hydrodynamic advantages due to the unique, novel aspects of the design.

Not only fast recovery of valuables, but at enhanced grades

The RFC consists of the main vertical vessel positioned above a system of inclined channels. The inclined channels enhance the segregation between bubbles and downward flowing liquid,

allowing for operation at elevated internal gas fractions.


Feed and air are contacted in a high shear rate environment as it enters the cell via a central sparging system to expedite froth flotation kinetics.


The float product emerges through an annulus surrounding the sparger system, while the tailings discharge via the zone below the inclined channels.


A plenum chamber encloses the top of the cell, supplying clean fluidisation/wash water for counter-current washing of the rising bubbles with a positive bias flux to promote effective gangue rejection. 

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