Key Benefits

  • Pumps large and abrasive solids
  • Pulls a higher vacuum
  • Adjustable while in operation
  • Reduces cost per ton
  • Longer service life

Treat the cause of slurry pump inefficiency with our gravelMAX™ pump

Many slurry pump applications in hard rock mining, coal and dredging require the ability to pump large solids. Why put up with a pump that is not built for your needs?

Easily adjustable wear ring while pump is in operation

Our wear ring maintains the suction side clearance in your pump and eliminates recirculation. Without the inefficiencies of conventional pump designs, our gravelMAX processes more slurry and pulls a higher vacuum. It processes a higher percent solids and higher density solids than any other pump in its class.


You can safely adjust the wear ring in minutes during operation to keep a constant pump flow and pressure. This eliminates the conventional process of increasing the pump speed to maintain the flow as the impeller or liners wear.

Quality parts and service for better results and performance

You can use a gravelMAX slurry pump with confidence because we understand how critical it is to keep your plant going strong. Our pumping experts stand by to assist with technical questions and provide the spare and wear parts you need for your pump to run like new throughout its life. From our quality part designs and materials to the fast shipping that you can rely on, rest easy knowing that your pump comes backed by our support team.

Industries and applications

  • Aggregates (sand plants, cyclone feed, tailings)
  • Coal (heavy media cyclone feed)
  • Hard rock mining
  • Dredging
  • Froth
  • Heavy-duty abrasive slurries
  • Any application requiring large solids passing

Higher quality pumping at a lower cost per ton—what’s not to love?

Passing large solids

It is no accident that gravelMAX slurry pumps are better at handling large solids—it’s in their design. A large clearance between the impeller and suction side prevents solids from grinding when they enter the pump. And a wide diameter impeller and increased cutwater clearance lets the pump easily pass them out the other side.


When your pump smoothly processes slurry without grinding, it has higher throughput, uses less energy, wears more slowly, runs longer between shutdowns and costs you less per ton pumped. 

Lowered costs and energy consumption

It should be no surprise that a pump which operates more efficiently also operates less expensively. In established gravelMAX installations, parts wear evenly and overall wear life has improved by 50% to 100% compared to conventional slurry pumps. Longer wear life means less downtime and lower maintenance costs.


Our customers have also noted a 10% or greater reduction in power consumption, which saves them money and allows additional pumping capacity without getting a larger motor.

Designed for excellence

The gravelMAX slurry pump has a unique patented design developed for severe abrasive slurries in mining and dredging operations.

Power frame

  • Heavy-duty cast pedestal

  • External bearing assembly adjustment

  • Wide bearing centres

  • Heavy-duty shaft and bearings



Reverse-taper roller bearings


  • Larger effective load span to improve B-10 life

  • Discharges grease to the outside, preventing an ingress of slurry and eliminating the possibility of failure due to over-greasing



Adjustable wear ring

  • Allows pumping of higher percent solids and higher density slurries

  • Reduces suction side recirculation

  • Maintains hydraulic performance


Smart Pumps - One simple app for better understanding and improving your operation

With the combination of our SiteConnect™ app and KREBS® Smart Pumps, you now have access to real-time information about your pumps on any phone or mobile device. Get instant alerts about operational deviations so that you know about potential problems before they occur. With better information about current operation, historical data, trends and advanced calculations, one simple app gives you a snapshot of the overall health of your entire plant.Learn more SiteConnect™ mobile app.


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