Advanced analytical services for improved results

FLSmidth’s Analytical capabilities are tailored to support the mining industry by providing prompt, quality driven analyses. This reliable information allows our clients to make fully informed decisions regarding the development of future projects or the optimisation of existing operations. Techniques and instrumentation used are listed below:

Fire assay


Fire assaying is one of the oldest and most reliable methods for the quantitative analysis of gold and silver. The method is used for both ores and process products and is accepted as the industry standard.


Chemical Sample Prep


We utilise both 4-acid digestions as well as microwave digestions to chemically prepare the samples for instrumental analysis. Our 4-acid digestions utilise state of the art hot blocks that accurately hold temperatures to +/- 0.5 degrees to ensure quality digestions. For samples that don’t need perchloric acid we utilise our dedicated microwave digestion systems. The use of microwave digestion allows for the preservation of volatile elements.


Microwave digestion enables a high sample throughput while providing reproducible results and maintaining a high degree of reliability and safety.


Instrument Finish


FLSmidth uses three main instruments to finish samples; atomic absorption (AA), inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry. All three instrument finishes have their place in accurately quantifying sample concentrations.


Carbon and sulfur analysis via LECO


Carbon and sulfur concentrations are determined by combustion of the sample in the presence of pure oxygen to form CO2 and SO2 which is then read by an infrared cell within the instrument. Carbon and sulfur analysis plays an integral part in providing complete mineralogical characterisation.

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