Understanding flotation technology

CoarseAIR™ flotation allows customers to increase the grinding size going to filtration. This technology makes it possible to recover coarse particles lost in conventional flotation — ultimately optimising energy input and providing sustainability benefits.  


In comparison, the RFC is a high-capacity technology that reduces the total flotation volume . It’s an extremely efficient resource that provides both high grade and high recovery while also reducing utility consumption. 


In order to regrind between the coarseAIR and the RFC, it’s essential to use the VXPmill because the coarseAIR produces very coarse particles that may not yield a sellable concentrate — the VXP retargets grind size for downstream processing. 

“Having knowledge of mineralogy and the liberation size of the ore is critical in coarse particle flotation in order to know the top size you can grind to. This allows the operation to optimise front-end milling and maximise particle size — to achieve a grind size suitable for the ore body,” says Lance.

“When we combine all of these technologies, we are helping our customers work towards zero energy and a zero-emission approach in the mining industry.” 

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