The scale of the challenge

Every year, more than 4 billion tonnes of cement are produced – a number that is set to rise as urbanisation and population growth increase demand for concrete. Despite this, the cement industry’s CO2 emissions must fall if sustainability goals are to be achieved. 


  • Reducing emissions

  • Developing clinker substitutes

  • Improving process resilience

  • Phasing out fossil fuels

  • Researching next-gen cement plants

Mission impossible

We don’t believe so. But we do know that we can’t solve it on our own. No one organisation can. Which is why we are launching our Innovation Forum.

The FLSmidth Innovation Forum aims to bring the best brains from inside and outside the industry together to solve the biggest of challenges. Because even big challenges bring opportunities. We believe that the ingenuity and innovation needed to minimise our environmental footprint is all around us. When we combine forces, reach across boundaries and create new partnerships, we have a chance to change the industry. We have a chance to make it better. Now and for the future.

Our invitation

Innovation is at the core of FLSmidth – it has been since 1882. We have continuously improved our equipment and services to accommodate growing demand for cement, while reducing its environmental footprint.

And now we are inviting you to join us and help the industry take the next steps towards a carbon-neutral green cement. 

Five areas for collaboration

Reducing emissions 
Controlling and reducing regulated air pollutants to meet the strictest environmental standards. 
Developing clinker substitutes
Enabling the production of high-quality cementitious binders with low CO2 footprint. 
Improving process resilience
Allowing cement plants to predict and control the chemistry and mineralogy of their product, regardless of raw materials and fuels
Phasing out fossil fuels
Enabling all cement plants to cost-effectively replace all fossil fuels with alternative fuels without quality and capacity loss. 
Researching next-gen cement plants
Help us shoot for the moon and explore ideas that could redefine the way cementitious binders are produced. Whether it’s solar calcination, concrete recycling, carbon-negative cements or man-less production, if it’ll transform the industry, let’s look into it. 

Open innovation

Are you innovating in one or more of these areas? We are interested in hearing from you.

FLSmidth has world-class experts, laboratories and testing facilities that could support and accelerate your innovation. We will seriously consider any proposal for joint development.

Proposals will be prioritised based on their contribution to reducing the environmental footprint of cement. 

Contact us

Thomas Petithuguenin

Thomas Petithuguenin

Innovation Manager
Cement R&D and Innovation
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