Key Benefits

  • Powerful attrition scrubbing action
  • No degradation to particles
  • Controlled turbulence
  • Low maintenance

Increased recovery of viable product

Ideal for attrition of thick, high-density pulp, the WEMCO® Attrition Scrubber supplies the energy while the particles themselves perform the work.

Optimal attrition happens when a balance occurs between power and control – when feed material is cleaned thoroughly without damage or degradation to particles. By effectively scouring unwanted contaminants, impurities, and pollutants, the WEMCO Attrition Scrubber plays a crucial role in product quality and downstream recovery.  

The overall flow direction is downcast in odd-numbered cells and upcast in even numbered cells, with ports or weirs between the cells. Staggered scrubbing zones enhance scrubbing capabilities when lined up in a circuit (a minimum of two cells).

This design ensures no material can short-circuit from one cell to the next, and all material is uniformly treated. Our design also provides treatment of the material for only the required time, resulting in savings related to installation and operating costs.

Efficient scrubbing through controlled turbulence

FLSmidth Attrition Scrubbers

Controlled turbulence 

The impeller has three sets of blades with opposing pitches. The blades reverse the pulp flow twice in each cell to produce the ideal controlled turbulence necessary for effective scrubbing action.
FLSmidth Attrition Scrubber

Uniform treatment and flow pattern

The top of each cell shows a characteristic flow pattern of controlled turbulence as the slurry folds inward around the impeller shaft. The octagonal shape of the WEMCO Attrition Scrubber tank reduces “dead zones” for more efficient scrubbing than is achievable with a square tank.
Attrition scrubbers FLSmidth Mining

Upgraded mineral values

Many products can be made marketable by the removal of surface films, coatings, or slimes. Attrition scrubbing removes these coatings, which increases your recovery of viable product.

Simplicity within productivity

Easy to install and operate
No specialised technical expertise is required to incorporate attrition cells into your flotation circuit.
Small footprint
Each cell’s compact size frees up valuable space that can be allocated for other equipment.
Low maintenance
With a proven track record of reliable performance, the attrition cell performs consistently with minimal upkeep.
Direct drive
A direct drive unit offers long-term operation without any sacrifice in performance.
Reduced energy per ton
A major portion of energy supplied goes into the friction between particles, which in this case, is the desired action
Functions and applications
The WEMCO attrition cell efficiently scrubs the surface of particulates, scouring unwanted contaminants, impurities, and pollutants on the surface. This also includes the removal of clay slimes and stripping surfaces of soft or conglomerate impurities. Feed is introduced at high density, 70-80% solids in the case of sand, with a consistency approaching concrete mix.

  • Industrial sand
  • Heavy mineral sand
  • Glass sand
  • Iron ore
  • Metallic ores
  • Amber-grade glass sand
  • Phosphates


Abrasive feed options
For excessively abrasive feed with coarse, hard particles, we recommend Ni-Hard or rubber covered paddles and rubber covered tank liners. Standard paddles are made of cast alloy.

Lab-scale attrition testing


Our Dawson Metallurgical Laboratories can help you fine-tune your attrition process to improve your operational performance. We will thoroughly test your material samples and then consult with you regarding the best practices for your circuit. We provide the following tests to most accurately assess your needs:


  • Feed and product particle size distribution
  • Retention time determination
  • Optimum percent solids
  • Elemental and mineral characterisation


Lab-scale attrition testing evaluates the effectiveness of your process and deter­mines your retention time requirements and optimum feed percent solids. This helps to ensure proper equipment selection for the most efficient operating configuration, including the appropriate cell size and quantity required for your operation.

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